Instant Demo - Create flash tutorials

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Instant Demo Professional Features

 (A full feature list can be found here)

With professional talk bubble style settings you can display annotated text across multiple frames and display text only when the mouse is moved over an associated hotspot.  These styles allow the viewer to explore your demo at their own pace, visually providing information specifically on topics that are of interest to them.

As an example, move the mouse over this demo:

(click here to download the corresponding project)

With professional hotspot style settings you can increase the level of interactivity with the viewer.  Hotspot hyperlinks to other web pages or to other frames within the same demo allow you to give the viewer full control over their learning experience.  You can also set up question and answer type demos or even add multiple choice scenarios.

Here is an example of a multiple choice demo:

(click here to download the corresponding project)

The professional version also has automatic callout text navigation which adds a Next and Back arrow at the bottom of your talk bubble. This option allows the viewer to control the pace of your presentation. The Back arrow button takes the viewer to the previous talk bubble. The Next arrow button skips the remaining talk bubble delay and continues the presentation. The fast rewind << and fast forward >> buttons in the Flash playback controls will find the previous or next talk bubble in your presentation. 

The navigation between callout text is automatically controlled by Instant Demo. If you add or delete a callout, Instant Demo will automatically update the navigation links. The benefit of this feature is the presentation can be viewed at a pace that suits the viewer. It will never be too fast or too slow, ensuring the presentation is useful and compelling for the audience. 

This simple demonstration shows how you can choreograph a tutorial to give a realistic response to user input.  In this example click on the 'Sound' and 'Text' buttons to switch between different scenes in the tutorial. 


(click here to download the corresponding project)

Note that this project was created with the 'Display Mouse' option unchecked in Create->Adobe Flash Settings...

The number of ways in which you can use the professional features of Instant Demo is limited only by your imagination.

Download the Free Trial Version

The best way to evaluate Instant Demo is to install it on your system.  The download is less than 15MB and includes the Users Guide plus full Install and Uninstall support.

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How to Order Instant Demo

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Instant Demo is a trademark of NetPlay Software.

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