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Capture Rate

[ Options - Recording options... Ctrl+V - Capture Rate ]

Instant Demo allows you to set the capture rate of your Windows desktop during recording.  The capture rate is the number of snapshots taken of your desktop over a period of one second.  For example, a capture rate of 5 would tell Instant Demo to take five snapshots per second of your desktop.  A movie that is one minute long (60 seconds) with a capture rate of 5 would have 60 * 5 = 300 snapshots.

A low capture rate will result in better compression of your movie (less snapshots), however it may provide poorer animation (less smooth).  A high capture rate will provide smooth animation, however it may increase the size of your movie.

Instant Demo provides a special feature that allows you to set the mouse capture rate independently of the screen capture rate.  Capturing mouse movement and appearance does not require a powerful computer.  This feature creates a high quality desktop video appearance on most computer systems.

Please note: Depending on the hardware configuration of your computer,  a requested capture frame rate may not be achievable.  Instant Demo will however attempt to capture at the closest possible rate.

Instant Demo also provides a special feature for smoothing the captured motion of the mouse.  When active, Instant Demo will ensure that the distance between each mouse capture is approximately equal over a given period of time.  This option dampens any irregular mouse movements, providing a more polished look to your presentation.

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